Thursday, 16 September 2010

Preliminary: Research

Just about to complete the work I began in class - writing the questions for the questionnaire I am using to conduct audience research.
In order to avoid data that I can't process, I know that I must create closed questions and data-recording tools such as number-rating and tick boxes.

From my questionnaire I want to find out:
  • What type of magazine the students would prefer
  • What kind of content it would have
  • How professional/informal it should be
  • What kind of images students would like on the front cover
  • How the school should be represented in the magazine
  • Which in-school departments should have prominance in the magazine, if any
I would dearly love to create a magazine front cover for a fictional school such as Roundview College (Skins) or Hogwarts to stretch my creative abilities and for the sheer fun of it but it wouldn't be appropriate, which is upsetting. So I'm thinking of producing a magazine for my own school aimed at years 7-11.

I'm thinking of distributing my questionnaire through e-mail, but for friends that I know won't check their inboxes I shall message them over Facebook and make hard copies.

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